
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Etiquette of Asking

21 Poems For Money Trees & Wishing Wells

With so many couples marrying later, living together before saying I do, or simply accumulating household goods along the way, it's little wonder more people are opting for 'wishing wells', 'money trees' or some variation on the theme in place of a traditional bridal registry.
Money Tree

After all, there really is no need to stock up on fine china if you won't use it, and who doesn't already have a toaster? However, asking for money isn't easy, no matter how you approach it, so we've prepared a few cleverly crafted wording and poem ideas for your wishing well or money tree - without causing offence.

Etiquette of Asking

Only place gift registry cards or 'money' poems in wedding invitations of guests who won't be offended to receive the card.  If in doubt, leave out, your family and bridal party members can discreetly spread the word.
A diplomatic idea would be to set up a wedding gift registry as well,  so that guests who would rather give you someething other than cash, can do so.  
Witty ways to word your wishing well or money tree from our members:

1. Just Give Cash...

So what do you get
For the Bride and Groom
Whose house needs things
In every room?
When shopping for a present
Please, don’t be rash
As the option is there
To just give cash!
We hope that you don’t find
Our request to be funny
But the decision is yours
To buy a present, or give money
Now you have the choice
Please do not fuss
The most important thing of all
Is that you come celebrate with us!
Submitted by Cindy Fuller

2. What Do You Get The Bride & Groom...

They have their dishes and towels for two,
They have pots and pans and oven mitts too.
So what do you get for the bride & groom
whose house is setup in every room?
Their house needs repairs and some upgrades too,
But you can not register for carpet and glue.
A tree that grows wishes is the way to go,
so lets make it easy for all that know.
An envelope will be provided for those who have room,
To give a monetary wish to the bride and groom.
A money tree will be on display at the reception hall
to attach your wishes, for the couple, with love from all.
Submitted by Belinda Blackburn

3. Quite Complete...

Our home is quite complete now,
we've been together long.
So please consider our request,
and do not take us wrong.
A delicate request it is,
we hope you understand.
Please play along, as it will give
our married life a hand.
The tradition of the wishing well,
is one that's known by all.
Go to the well, toss in a coin
and as the coin does fall.
Make a wish upon that coin,
and careful as you do.
Cause as the well's tradition goes,
your wishes will come true.
So on this special day or ours,
the day that we'll be wed.
Don't hunt for special gifts
but give money is it's stead.
And as you drop the envelope,
with money great and small,
Remember, make your wish
as you watch your money fall.
Submitted by Lisa & Daryl Stack

4. Travelling Once More...

Whilst in a foreign land,
(Brides Name) had many adventures grand,
None of which could ever compare,
To the wonderful love
That she and (Grooms Name) share.
The couple will marry
whilst travelling once more,
And her family shall come
to foreign shore.(Bride) and (Groom)
have considered the options,
as guests bearing gifts,
will come to considerable exertions.
And the airline restrictions
will also apply,
to the bride and the groom
when home they must fly.
In the place of a gift
With traditional style,
A paper gift would
bring many a smile.
A gift of paper has many a meaning,
it may be cash,
or a voucher for their favourite store,
the promise of a special favour,
Whenst the couple return
to settle into their lives
as husband and wife.
Many thanks for your consideration,
in receiving this request,
as surely you will realise
It's definitely for the best.
Submitted by JuicyBear

5. Join Us...

We hope that you will join us,
on this our special day,
To celebrate our union
in a very special way.
To make it easy for you
and avoid a shopping spree
We thought that we would have instead,
a little money tree.
Because we've been together,
for a while now,
We collected all our household things
before we took our vows.
An envelope has been included
for you to bless our tree,
No name is required for each gift,
as anonymity is the key!
So please don't be offended
at our new type of request,
Just telling everyone our wish,
has really put us to the test!
Submitted by Jo-Anne

6. Minimum Fuss...

This is written on a daisy shaped paper pocket:
If you are having trouble finding just the gift for us,
This may prove a solution with a minimum of fuss.
Just pop your gift inside the flower and pin it to our tree,
And make a wish for happiness forever ours to be.
Submitted by Michelle

7. Deposit On Our Giving Tree...

We made a commitment some time ago
that together through life we were destined to go.
We purchased our furniture, linen and bedding,
in the fulfilling years leading up to our wedding.
What else we might need is not easy to foresee,
but what might help us in the future is a deposit on our Giving Tree.
Submitted by Amy

8. Save You Looking...

To save you looking,
shopping and buying,
Here is an idea
we hope you'll like trying!
Come to our wedding
to wish us both well,
And make some use
of our little wishing well.
Just put some money into a card,
Now make a wish....
See, that wasn't hard!
Now that we have saved you all of the fuss,
We hope that you will come
And celebrate with us!
Submitted by Lisa

9. Possessions Are Plentiful...

(Bride) & (Groom)'s worldly possessions are plentiful as such,
on their wedding present list there isn't really much.
Their home is quite complete, as they've been together so long
So please consider our request , but do not take it wrong.
On this special day, the day they'll be wed
There's a register for gifts , or give money instead.
A gilded cage will be on display at the reception hall
To deposit your wishes for the couple with love from all.
An envelope will be provided for those who have room
To bestow a gift upon the bride & groom.
This delicate request, we hope you understand
Please ponder over this, to give their married life a hand.

10. We'd Prefer A Donation...

Because at first we lived in sin
We've got the sheets and a rubbish bin!
A gift from you would be swell
But we'd prefer a donation
to our Wishing Well!
Submitted by Janine

11.Money Chest...

This little rhyme may be sublime
For some of our wedding guests
And what we ask is a difficult task
But we're having two money chests.
Submitted by Emily

12. What To Get...

So what do you get for the bride & groom,
Whose house needs some things in every room?
Some things are large, some things are small,
Some things they just don't really need at all!
For those things small this happy two,
Have supplied a gift registry for you.
For those things large a wish tree's the way,
To say congratulations on the big day.
An envelope will be provided for those who have room,
To give a monetary wish to the bride and groom.
A wish tree will be on display at the reception hall,
To attach your wishes, for the couple, with love from all.
Submitted by Bella

13. Contribute Towards The Bigger Things...

As we are already established, we would appreciate a monetary gift.
It will contribute towards the bigger things we need.
Should you prefer this option a money tree will be provided at the reception.
Submitted by Gracie

14.Filled With Your Love...

Now we are to be Mr & Mrs
We don't need a wedding list of dishes
We have two kettles, two toasters, a microwave
We require a house for which we have to save.
If you would like to give us a monetary gift this would give us a lift
We like to think of it as our "Wishing Well"
Which will be filled with your love, we can tell.
Submitted by Shelley

15. We've Already Bought...

In our house we have the things
that living together normally brings
most household items we've already bought
and because of this reason we thought
A wishing well would be great
(only if guests wish to participate)
A gift of money is placed in an envelope
so in the future we hope
to furnish our home to its very best
and always remember it was due to our guests.
Submitted by Shelley

16. Wishing Well Will Await...

A wishing-well will await
to help build loving nest...
If instead a gift would buy,
ask our Mums - they know best
- and details that can end your quest!
Alison Styles of Styles Of Writing

17. Doesn't Grow On Trees...

Money doesn't grow on trees...
We're sure you get the drift.
It will, however, pave our way
'blooming' as our gift!
Alison Styles of Styles Of Writing

18. Thank You Now...

For adding to our Money Tree,
we'd like to thank you now -
also just for being here
to share our mutual vow...
Alison Styles of Styles Of Writing

19. Money Is Attractive...

Love the joy of choosing gifts?
Wrap the chosen captive?
If thoughts elude in this regard
... money is attractive!
Alison Styles of Styles Of Writing

20. Wish Us Well...

Our household thoughts are not brand new,
We have twice the things we need for two
Since we have our share of appliances and beddingWe're having instead a wishing well weddingBut more important we ask of you Your prayers of love and blessings too?

21. Wish Us Well...second time around

Our household things are not brand new,
We have twice what we need as it's wedding two
Since we have our share of appliances and bedding
We're having instead having a wishing well wedding
But more important we ask of you
Your prayers of love and blessings for our wedding take two.
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