
Monday, November 19, 2012

Big Shoulders, Warm Heart

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The wedding day is a very emotional 24 hours for the bride. Her expectations will be very high and nerves on edge, after all this is her magic moment. Keep in mind her need for support, plan to be there for her all the way. Make her feel totally loved and appreciated, give as much as you can; these tips will make you a heroic groom.

On Call
Keep your mobile phone charged and on so your bride can contact you at any time, even if it’s just to hear the sound of your strong, calming, reassuring voice.

Cooper Wedding by Ryan Heywood Photography - Davenport Wedding by Tim Coulson Photography
Don’t Stray
Plan to stay close. Try not to venture too far away from where your wedding will be held. Flat tyres, fender-benders and traffic jams happen. Nothing worse than being held up because you decided to kill a few hours out of the way.

Regan Wedding By Fi Mims Photography
Special Delivery
Order a gourmet breakfast and flowers to be delivered to her; write a sweet note telling her that you can’t wait to see her at the ceremony. It will set her up for the rest of the day, help calm her nerves and reassure her that you really are the greatest guy.

Davenport Wedding by Tim Coulson Photography

"Chris organised coffee and a special note to be delivered to Leoni as she prepared for the day ahead"

Meet and Greet
Be there when guests arrive at the ceremony. Thank them for coming and sharing your special day. It will show you really appreciate her family and friends and you can introduce both sides of the family.

Schmooze It Up A Little
Remember to thank your bride’s parents privately and also during the toast. Your wife will be pleased and your new in-laws will be impressed with your thoughtfulness. They are going to be around for a lifetime, after all.

Kara and James by Daniel John Bilsborough
For The Record
Don’t be camera shy. Have fun at the photo-shoot and be demonstrative. Show your new wife you adore her and how happy you are to be her husband. Let the photos tell the story forever.

Chircop Wedding By Blakeney Photography
Move Baby Move
Dance the night away. Don’t be embarrassed, it’s your wedding and dancing shows your happiness. Dance with your wife, mum, mother-in-law and grandma. Encourage your grooms-men to dance too, the more on the dance floor the better.

Cooper Wedding by Ryan Heywood Photography

Baldwin and Clough Wedding By Studio 60 Photography
Whisper Sweet nothings
Tell your bride how beautiful she looks. She has to hear it over and over. Everything you see about her, all the shopping, all the money that was spent was for you alone. Too many compliments are never enough.

Davenport Wedding by Tim Coulson Photography
Over The Top
Organise a surprise for your bride, something that will really take her breath away. You can easily hire a celebrity singer to present your favourite song but make sure the person is introduced properly. One groom hired the bride’s favourite, Marcia Hines. No-one believed it was really her, everyone thought she was an impersonator. Otherwise, fireworks could add extra sparkle to the occasion, a sky-writer might write your names up amongst the clouds.

Amy and James Wedding By Popcorn Photography

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